Installation: Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston; 2004
1 video projection; 2 video works on monitors

If language is god, then god is language.
If language isn’t god, then god is language.
If god is language, the language isn’t god.
If god isn’t language, then language isn’t god.

If Horses Had Gods

If Horses Had Gods, They’d Look Like Horses

If horses had gods, they’d look like horses.
If horses had horses, they’d look like horses.
If gods had horses, they’d look like horses.
If gods had gods, they’d look like gods.

If horses had horses who had gods, they’d look like horses.
If horses had horses who had horses, they’d look like horses.
If horses had gods who had horses, they’d look like horses.
If horses had gods who had gods, they’d look like horses.

If gods had horses who had horses, they’d look like horses.
If gods had horses who had gods, they’d look like horses.
If gods had gods who had horses, they’d look like horses.
If gods had gods who had gods, they’d look like gods.

God Does Not Play Dice With the World…
Even Monkeys Fall Out of Trees

God does not play dice with the world.
God does not dice with the world.
God does not dice the world.
God does not play with the world.
God does play with the world.
God does not play.
God does play.
God plays dice.
Even God plays.
Even God plays dice.
Even God does not play dice.
Even Monkeys do play dice.
Even Monkeys do not play dice.
Even Monkeys play dice with the world.
Even Monkeys do not play dice with the world.
Even God monkeys fall dice with the world.
Even monkeys fall dice with the world.
Even monkeys fall dice with trees.
Even monkeys fall dice out of trees.
Even monkeys fall out of trees.

The Winds of God Are Always Blowing, But You Must Set The Sails…
And the Dreams That You Dare to Dream Really Do Come True.

The winds of God are always blowing, but you must set the sails;
And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.
The winds of God are always blowing, but you must set the sails;
the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.
The winds of God are always blowing, but you must set
the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.
The winds of God are always blowing, but you must set
the dreams that you dare to dream do come true.
The winds of God are blowing, but you must set
the dreams that you dare to dream do come true.
The winds of God are blowing, but you set
the dreams that you dare to dream do come true.
The winds of God are blowing, but you set
the dreams that dare to dream do come true.
The winds of God are blowing, but you set
the dreams that dare to dream do come.
Winds of God are blowing, but you set
the dreams that dare to dream do come.
Winds of God are blowing, but you set
the dreams that dare to dream come.
Winds of God are blowing, but you set
the dreams that dare to dream.
Winds of God are blowing, but you set
the dreams that dare to.
Winds of God are blowing, but you set
the dreams that dare.
Winds of God are blowing, but you set
dreams that dare.
Winds are blowing, but you set
dreams that dare.
Winds are blowing, but set
dreams that dare.
Winds are blowing, set
dreams that dare.
Winds are, set
dreams that dare.
Winds are,
dreams that dare.
Winds are
that dare.
that dare.

That’s More Children Than…
Why Then, Oh Why Can’t I?

That’s more children than…
Why then, oh why can’t I?
That’s more children than…
Why then, oh why can’t children?
That’s more children than…
Why then, oh why can’t more children?
That’s more children than…
That’s why then, oh why can’t more children?
That’s more children than…
That’s why more then, oh why can’t more children?
That’s more children than…
That’s why more then than, oh why can’t more children?
That’s more children than…
That’s why more then than that’s, oh why can’t more children?
That’s more children than…
That’s why more then than that’s, oh then why can’t more children?
That’s more children than…
That’s why more then than that’s, oh then why can’t more children than?
That’s more children than…
That’s why more then than that’s, oh then why can’t more children than that?
That’s more children than…
That’s why more then than that’s, oh then why can’t more children than that’s?
That’s more children than…
That’s why more then than that’s, oh then why can’t then more children than that’s?
That’s more children than…
Then that’s why more then than that’s, oh then why can’t then more children than that’s?
That’s more children than…
Then that’s why more then than that’s, oh then why can’t then more children than that’s?
That’s more children than…
Then children that’s why more then than that’s, oh then why can’t then more children than that’s?
That’s more children than…
Then children that’s why children more then than that’s, oh then why can’t then more children than that’s?
That’s more children than…
Then children that’s why more children more then than that’s, oh then why can’t then more children than that’s?

The Ways of God are Mysterious…
At Night All Cats are Grey.

The ways of god are mysterious.
Mysterious are the ways of god.
At ways of god are mysterious.
Mysterious are at ways of god.
At ways of god are mysterious.
Mysterious are at ways of night.
At night of god are mysterious.
Mysterious are at god of night.
At night all god are mysterious.
Mysterious are all gods at night.
At night all cats are mysterious.
Mysterious are all cats at night.
Grey are all cats at mysterious.
Mysterious are all cats at grey.
At mysterious all cats are grey.
Grey are all cats at mysterious.
Grey are all cats at night.
At night all cats are grey.

Whom God Wishes to Destroy, He First Makes Mad…
It Is a Very Hard Choice.

Whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad.
It is a very hard choice.
Whom God wishes to destroy hard, he first makes mad.
It is a very hard choice.
Whom hard God wishes to destroy hard, he first makes mad.
It is a very hard choice.
Whom hard God wishes to destroy hard, he first makes very mad.
It is a very hard choice.
Whom a hard God wishes to destroy hard, he first makes very mad.
It is a very hard choice.
Whom a hard God wishes to destroy it hard, he first makes very mad.
It is a very hard choice.
Whom a hard choice God wishes to destroy it hard, he first makes very mad.
It is a very hard choice.
Whom a very hard choice God wishes to destroy it hard, he first makes very mad.
It is a very hard choice.
Whom a very hard choice God wishes to destroy it very hard, he first makes very mad.
It is a very hard choice.
Whom a very hard choice God wishes to destroy it very hard, he first makes a very mad choice.
It is a very hard choice.
Whom a very hard choice God wishes it to destroy it very hard, he first makes it a very mad hard choice.
It is a very hard choice.
It is whom a very hard choice God wishes it to destroy it very hard, he first makes it a very mad hard choice.
It is a very hard choice.
It is choice whom a very hard choice God wishes it to destroy it very hard, he first makes it a very mad hard choice.
It is a very hard choice.
It is a hard choice whom a very hard choice God wishes it to destroy it very hard, he first makes it a very mad hard choice.
It is a very hard choice.
It is a very hard choice whom a very hard choice God wishes it to destroy it very hard, he first makes it a very mad hard choice.
It is a very hard choice.
It is a very hard mad choice whom a very hard choice God wishes it to destroy it very hard, he first makes it a very mad hard choice.
It is a very hard choice.
It is a very hard mad choice whom a very hard choice mad God wishes it to destroy it very hard, he first makes it a very mad hard choice.
It is a very hard choice.

The Safest Place to Be Is Within The Will of God…
That’s Where You’ll Find Me.

The safest place to be is within the will of god.
That’s where you’ll find me.
The will of god is the safest place to be within.
That’s where you’ll find me.
The safest will of god is the place to be within.
That’s where you’ll find me.
The safest within of god is the place to be will.
That’s where you’ll find me.
The safest god within is the place to be of will.
That’s where you’ll find me.
The place within the safest god is to be of will.
That’s where you’ll find me.
The god place of the will within is to be safest.
That’s where you’ll find me.

The god place of the will within is to be safest.
That’s where you’ll find me.
The god place of the will within is to be safest within.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Within the god place of the will within is to be safest within.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Within the safest god place of the will within is to be safest within.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Within the safest god place of the safest will within is to be safest within.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Within the safest god place of the safest will within is to be safest within god.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Within the safest god place of the safest god will within is to be safest within god.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Within the safest god place of the safest god will within is to be safest within the god.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Within the safest god place of the safest god will within is to be safest within the god within.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Within the safest god place of the safest god will within is to be safest within the god within god.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Within the safest god place of the safest god will within is to be safest within the god within the safest god.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Will within the safest god place of the safest god will within is to be safest within the god within the safest god.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Will within the safest god place of the safest god will within is to be the safest will within the god within the safest god.
That’s where you’ll find me.

They’re Christians. They’ll Believe Anything…
Birds Fly Over the Rainbow.

They’re Christians. They’ll believe anything.
Birds fly over the rainbow.
They’re Christians. They’ll believe anything.
Rainbows fly over the birds.
They’re Christians. They’ll believe birds.
Rainbows fly over the anything.
They’re Christians. They’ll believe birds.
Anything flies over the rainbow.
They’re Christians. They’ll believe rainbows.
Anything flies over the birds.
They’re Christians. They’ll believe rainbows.
Birds flies over the anything.

They’re anything. They’ll believe Christians.
Birds fly over the rainbow.
They’re anything. They’ll believe Christians.
Rainbows fly over the birds.
They’re anything. They’ll believe birds.
Christians fly over the rainbow.
They’re anything. They’ll believe birds.
Rainbows fly over the Christians.
They’re anything. They’ll believe rainbows.
Christians fly over the birds.
They’re anything. They’ll believe rainbows.
Birds fly over the Christians.

They’re rainbows. They’ll believe Christians.
Anything flies over the birds.
They’re rainbows. They’ll believe Christians.
Birds fly over the anything.
They’re rainbows. They’ll believe anything.
Christians fly over the birds.
They’re rainbows. They’ll believe anything.
Birds fly over the Christians.
They’re rainbows. They’ll believe birds.
Christians fly over the anything.
They’re rainbows. They’ll believe birds.
Anything flies over the birds.

They’re birds. They’ll believe Christians.
Anything flies over the rainbow.
They’re birds. They’ll believe Christians.
Rainbows fly over the anything.
They’re birds. They’ll believe anything.
Christians fly over the rainbow.
They’re birds. They’ll believe anything.
Rainbows fly over the Christians.
They’re birds. They’ll believe rainbows.
Christians fly over the anything.
They’re birds. They’ll believe rainbows.
Anything flies over the Christians.

Only God Can Make a Tree…
A Nod is as Good as a Wink to a Blind Horse.

Only God can make a tree.
Only God can make a tree a nod.
Only God can make a tree a nod is.
Only God can make a tree a nod is as good.
Only God can make a tree a nod is as good as a wink.
Only God can make a tree a nod is as good as a wink to a blind.
Only God can make a tree a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse.
Only God can make a tree nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse.
Only God can make a tree nod good as a wink to a blind horse.
Only God can make a good wink to a blind horse.
Only God Nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse.
Only Nod can make as good as a wink to a blind horse.
Only a nod can make is as good as a wink to a blind horse.
Only a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse.
A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse.

Every Man for Himself, and God For Us All.

Every man for himself, and god for us all.
Every god for himself, and god for us all.
Every god himself, and god for us all.
Every god for himself, and man for us all.
Every god for his man, and god for us all.
Each and every god for man, and god for us all.
Each god for every man, and god for us all.
Each god for each and every man, and god for us all.
Each man for each god, and god for us all.
Each man for every god, and god for us all.
Every man for every god, and god for us all.
Every man for every man, and god for us all.
Every man without exception for every man, and god for us all.
Every man without exception for every man without exception, and god for us all.
Each and every man without exception for each and every man without exception, and god for us all.
Each and every god without exception for each and every man without exception, and god for us all.
Each and every god without exception for each and every god without exception, and god for us all.

Every man for himself, and god for us all.
Every man for himself, and god for each one of us.
Every man for himself, and god for each one of us without exception.
Every man for himself, and god for each and every one of us without exception.
Every man for himself, and man for each and every one of us without exception.
Every man for himself, and man for each and every god without exception.

God Always Answers in the Deeps, Never
In the Shallows of Our Souls…
There’s a Land That I Heard Of.

God always answers in the deeps, never in the shallows of our soul.
There’s a land that I heard of.
God always answers in the deeps, never a land in the shallows of our soul.
There’s a land that I heard of.
God always answers in the deeps, never a land in the shallows of our soul that I heard of.
There’s a land that I heard of.
I heard God always answers in the deeps, never a land in the shallows of our soul that I heard of.
There’s a land that I heard of.
I heard God always lands answers in the deeps, never in the shallows of our soul that I heard of.
There’s a land that I heard of.
I heard God always lands answers in the deeps, never in the shallow lands of our soul that I heard of.
There’s a land that I heard of.
I heard God always lands answers in the deep lands, never in the shallow lands of our soul that I heard of.
There’s a land that I heard of.
I heard God always lands answers in the deep lands, never in the shallow lands of our soul that I heard of.
There’s a land that I heard of.
I never heard that God always lands answers in the deep lands, never in the shallow lands of our soul that I heard of.
There’s a land that I heard of.
I never heard that God always lands answers in the deep lands, never in the shallow lands of our soul that I never heard of.
There’s a land that I heard of.
I never heard there’s a God that always lands answers in the deep lands, never in the always shallow lands of our soul that I never heard of.
There’s a land that I heard of.
I never heard there’s a God that I heard of always lands answers in the deep lands, never in the always shallow lands of our soul that I never heard of.
There’s a land that I heard of.
I never heard there’s a God that I heard of that always lands answers in the deep God lands, never in the always shallow God lands of our soul that I never heard of.
There’s a land that I heard of.
I never heard there’s a never a God that I heard of that always lands answers in the deep God lands, never in the always shallow God lands of our soul that I never heard of.
There’s a land that I heard of.
I never heard there’s a never a God that I never heard of that always lands answers in the deep God lands, never in the always shallow God lands of our soul that I never heard of.
There’s a land that I heard of.
I never heard that there’s never a God that I never heard of that always lands answers in the deep God lands, never in the always shallow God lands of our soul that I never heard of.
There’s a land that I heard of.

God is the Perfect Poet…
Truth Lies At the Botton of a Well.

God is the perfect poet.
Truth lies at the bottom of a well.
God is the perfect poet.
Truth lies at the bottom of a well.
God is the perfect truth.
Truth lies at the bottom of a well.
Truth is the perfect truth.
Truth lies at the bottom of a well.
Truth is the perfect poet.
God lies at the bottom of a well.
God is the perfect god.
Truth lies the perfect poet.
God lies at the bottom of a truth.
God lies the perfect truth.
A well lies at the bottom of the truth.
A perfect well lies at the bottom of a perfect truth.
A perfect poet lies at the bottom.
A god lies at the bottom of a poet.
A well lies at the perfect bottom of a god.

We Are in Danger of Forgetting That We Cannot Do What God Does, and That God Will Not Do
What We Can Do.

We are in danger of forgetting that we cannot do what God does,
and that God will not do what we can do.
We are in danger of forgetting that we cannot do what God can do,
and that God will not do what we do.
We are in danger of forgetting that we cannot not do what God can
do, and that God will not not do what we can do.
We are in danger of forgetting that we cannot not do what God can
do, and that God will not not do what we cannot do.
We are in danger of forgetting that we cannot forget what God
does, and that God will not do what we can do.
We are in danger of forgetting that we cannot forget what God
forgets, and that God will not do what we can do.
We are in danger of forgetting that we cannot forget what God
forgets, and that God will not forget what we can do.
We are in danger of forgetting that we cannot forget what God
forgets, and that God will not forget what we can forget.
We are in danger of forgetting that we cannot not forget what God
forgets, and that God will not forget what we can forget.
We are in danger of forgetting that we cannot not forget what God
cannot forget, and that God will not forget what we can
We are in danger of forgetting that we cannot not forget what God
cannot forget, and that God will not forget what we cannot
We are in danger of doing what we cannot not forget what God
cannot forget, and that God will not forget what we cannot
We are in danger of doing what we cannot do what God
cannot forget, and that God will not forget what we cannot forget.
We are in danger of doing what we cannot do what God
cannot do, and that God will not forget what we cannot
We are in danger of doing what we cannot do what God
cannot do, and that God will not do what we cannot
We are in danger of doing what we cannot do what God
cannot do, and that God will not do what we cannot

We are in no danger of forgetting that we cannot do what God
does, and that God will not do what we can do.
We are in no danger of forgetting that we cannot do what God can
do, and that God will not do what we do.
We are in no danger of forgetting that we cannot not do what God
can do, and that God will not not do what we can do.
We are in no danger of forgetting that we cannot not do what God
can do, and that God will not not do what we cannot do.
We are in no danger of forgetting that we cannot forget what God
forgets, and that God will not do what we can do.
We are in no danger of forgetting that we cannot forget what God
forgets, and that God will not forget what we can forget.
We are in no danger of forgetting that we cannot not forget what
God cannot forget, and that God will not forget what we can forget.
We are in no danger of not doing what we cannot not forget what
God cannot forget, and that God will not forget what we
cannot forget.
We are in no danger of not doing what we cannot do what go God
cannot forget, and that God will not forget what we cannot
We are in no danger of doing what we cannot do what God
cannot do, and that God will not do what we cannot
We are in no danger of doing what we cannot do what God
cannot do, and that God will not do what we cannot

“The Bastard! He Doesn’t Exist!”
Be Content; The Sea Hath Fish Enough.

The bastard! He doesn’t exist!
Be content; the sea hath fish enough.

Be the bastard! He doesn’t exist!
Be the content! The sea hath fish enough!

Be content the bastard! He doesn’t exist!
The bastard be content; the sea hath fish enough.

Be content the bastard! The sea doesn’t exist!
The bastard be content; he doesn’t hath fish enough.

Be content the fish! The sea doesn’t exist!
The bastard be content; he doesn’t hath content enough.

Be content the fish! The sea doesn’t content!
The fish be content; he doesn’t hath sea enough.

Content be the sea! The sea doesn’t content!
The fish be content; he doesn’t hath sea enough.

Content be the sea! The sea doesn’t content!
He be content; he doesn’t exist enough.

Exist be the sea! The sea doesn’t exist!
He be content; he doesn’t exist enough.

Exist be the bastard! The bastard doesn’t exist!
He be content; the bastard doesn’t exist enough.

Exist be enough! The bastard isn’t content!
He be content; the bastard doesn’t exist enough.

Exist enough content! The sea isn’t content!
Hath enough content; the bastard doesn’t exist enough.

If You Want a Kitten, Start Out By Asking For a Horse.
We Turn to God for Helo When Our Foundations are Shaking Only to Learn That It Is God Shaking Them.

If you want a kitten, start out by asking for a horse.
We turn to God for help when our foundations are shaking only to learn that it is God shaking them.

If you want a kitten, start out by asking for a horse.
We turn to God for help when our foundations are shaking only to learn that it is our foundations shaking them.

If you want a kitten, start out by asking for a horse.
We turn to God for help when our foundations are shaking only to learn that it is our foundations shaking them.

If you want a foundation, start out by asking for a horse.
We turn to God for help when our foundations are shaking only to learn that it is our foundations shaking them.

If you want a foundation, start out by asking for a horse.
We turn to God for help when our foundations are shaking only to learn that it is our kittens shaking them.

If you want a foundation, start out by asking for a God.
We turn to horses for help when our foundations are shaking only to learn that it is our kittens shaking them.

If you want a God, start out by asking for a foundation.
We turn to horses for help when our foundations are shaking only to learn that it is our horses shaking them.

If you want a God, start out by asking for a horse.
We turn to kittens for help when our foundations are shaking only to learn that it is our Gods shaking them.

If you want a God, start out by asking for a God.
We turn to kittens for help when our Gods are shaking only to learn that it is our Gods shaking them.

If you want a God, start out by shaking a God.
We turn to horses for help when our Gods are shaking only to learn that it is our Gods shaking them.

If you shake a God, start out by shaking a horse.
We shake horses for help when our Gods are shaking only to learn that it is our Gods shaking them.

If you shake a God, turn out by shaking a horse.
We shake horses for help when our Gods are shaking only to learn that it is our Gods shaking them.

If you want a God, turn out by wanting a horse.
We want horses for help when our Gods are wanting, only to learn that it is our Gods wanting them.

If you want a God, turn out by wanting a horse.
We want Gods for help when our kittens are wanting only to learn that it is our foundations wanting them.

If you only want to shake a God, turn out by wanting a horse.
We want Gods for help when our kittens are wanting only to learn that it is our foundations wanting them.

If you only want to shake a God, turn if only by wanting a horse.
If we only want horses for help when our Gods are wanting only to learn, our foundations will want them.

If you only want to shake a God for help, learn by shaking a horse.
If we only shake horses when our Gods are wanting to shake, our kittens will shake them.

If you only want a turn for a horse, learn by shaking a kitten.
Only shake horses when our Gods are wanting to shake, if our kittens will turn them.

If kittens only learn to shake a foundation, learn by wanting a kitten.
Only shake horses when our Gods are wanting, if our kittens will learn.

If our kittens will only learn to start a foundation, shake by horses.
Only shake horses when our Gods are wanting, if our kittens start out by learning.

Only our Gods will turn to start a foundation, shaken by horses.
Only shaken horses will turn when our Gods are wanting, if our kittens start out by learning.

Only our Gods will turn to start a foundation, shaken by horses.
Only shaken horses will turn when our Gods are wanting, if our kittens start out by learning.

Gods will turn to start a foundation, if only wanted by horses.
Only shaken horses will turn when our Gods are turning, if our kittens start out by learning.

Our horses will ask to learn how to shake a kitten, only if wanted by horses.
Only shaken horses will turn when our Gods are asking, if our kittens learn by learning.

Ask our horses to learn how to shake, if only wanted by turning horses.
Only shaken, if horses will ask when our Gods are shaking, only if our kittens learn only by turning.

Ask our Gods to learn how to turn horses, if only by shaking kittens.
Only if shaken, our horses will ask when our foundations are shaking, if our kittens want.

How Can We Hope to Get Rid of God So Long As We Insist on Believing in Grammar?
If Happy Little Bluebirds Fly.

How can we hope to get rid of God, so long as we insist on believing in grammar, if happy little bluebirds fly?

How can little bluebirds fly if we hope to get rid of God, so long as we insist on believing in happy grammar?
How can bluebirds fly if we hope to get rid of God, so long as we insist on believing in happy little grammar?
How can grammar fly if we hope to get rid of happy God, so long as we insist on believing in little bluebirds?
How can God hope if we fly happy to get rid of grammar, so long as we insist on believing in little bluebirds?
How little can God hope if we fly happy to get rid of grammar, so long as we insist on believing in bluebirds?
How little can God believe in bluebirds if we fly happy to get rid of grammar, so long as we insist on hope?
How little can God insist in bluebirds if we fly happy to get rid of grammar, so long as we believe in hope?
How little can God insist in bluebirds if we fly to get rid of grammar, so long as we believe in happy hope?
How little can happy hope insist in bluebirds if we fly to get rid of grammar, so long as we believe in God?
How can happy hope insist in bluebirds if we fly to get rid of grammar, so long as we believe little in God?
How can we get rid of happy hope in bluebirds if we fly to insist on grammar, so long as we believe little in God?

How can we believe we can get rid of happy hope in bluebirds if we fly to insist on grammar, so long as we believe little in God?
How can we believe we can get rid of happy hope in God and bluebirds if we fly to insist on grammar, so long as we believe little in God?
How can we believe we can get rid of happy hope in God and bluebirds if we fly to insist on grammar, so long as we believe little in grammar?
How can we believe we can get rid of happy hope in God and bluebirds if we fly to insist on bluebirds and grammar, so long as we believe little in grammar and God?
How can we and God insist on believing we can get rid of happy hope in God and bluebirds and grammar if we fly to insist on bluebirds and grammar, so long as we believe little in grammar and God and bluebirds?

God Gave Us Memories That We Might Have Roses in December.
We Think the Price is Right.

God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.
We think the price is right.
God gave us roses that we might have memories in December.
We think the price is right.
God gave us December that we might have roses in memories.
We think the price is right.
We gave us December that roses might have god in memories.
We think the price is right.
Memories gave us December that we might have roses in god.
We think the price is right.
December gave us roses that we might have memories in god.
We think the price is right.
Roses gave us god that we might have memories in December.
We think the price is right.

God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.
We think the price is right.
God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.
God thinks the price is right.
God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.
God thinks the price is us.
God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.
God thinks the price is December.
God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.
God thinks the memory is roses.
God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.
God thinks the December is memory.
God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.
December thinks the god is memory.
God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.
Roses think the god is memory.
God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.
Memory thinks the roses are god.
God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.
Memory thinks the roses are us.
God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.
Memory thinks the roses are roses.
God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.
Roses think the roses are roses.
God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.
Roses think the roses are memories.

  • Anonymous sayings and proverbs
  • “The bastard! He doesn’t exist!”
    – Samuel Beckett
  • “They’re Christians. They’ll Believe Anything.”
    – Roger Janeway.
  • “God Does Not Play Dice With the World.”
    — Albert Einstein
  • “How can we hope to get rid of God, as long as we insist on believing in grammar?”
    — Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Fragments from the song “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.”
  • Excerpts from an interview between Leslie Stahl and Madeleine Albright, CBS television, 1996:
    “That’s more children than…”
    “It is a very hard choice.” “We think the price is right.”

52 Gods

The power of words has useful limits.




Grammar Lesson

Some helpful tutoring in syntax accompanies Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s curious views on the geopolitical value of Iraqi children.

CAST: Anne Hardcastle
MUSIC: “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” (Harold Arlen and Yip Harburg) performed by Judy Garland followed by Me First and the Gimmee Gimmees.


If you travel anywhere in the world today, do it, for now. And if a duty is pressed, one thing is quickly clear: English. But not the edible kind. Everyone wants to learn it. And their children want to be surprised. Because we all want and all we want is a precise life, with more of it. Certainly, one could know business opportunities floating on the cork of the ocean. Certainly, one could know the key to grammar and movement…and dreams.

Every little word has a number. They are the ones practicing something, somewhere. And every little trembling clause means freedom, freedom from intentions, freedom from flowers.

So, carve up the choices and grafting the pole; a cat, a hat, a colour, a tender stick: the beggars shall now be lessons.

The topping is first. I inquired into the exact calibration of the landscape. And suddenly it happened: nouns, prepositions, dainty verbs, more nouns.

text on screen

Somewhere (locative existential quantifier)
over (preposition)
the (determiner)
rainbow (noun)
Way (adverb)
up (preposition)
high (adjective)
There (existential quantifier)
is (verb)
a (determiner)
land (noun)
that (complementizer)
I (nominative pronoun)
heard (verb, past tense)
of (particle)
Once (existential quantifier)
in (preposition)
a (determiner)
lullaby. (noun)
Somewhere (locative existential quantifier)
over (preposition)
the (determiner)
rainbow (noun)
Skies (noun)
are blue (verb/adjective)
And (conjunction)
the (determiner)
dreams (noun)
that (complementizer)
you (nominative pronoun)
dare (verb)
to (preposition)
dream (verb)
Really (adverb)
do (auxiliary)
come (verb)
true (adjective)
Someday (temporal existential quantifier)
I (nominative pronoun)
will (future auxiliary)
wish (verb)
upon (preposition)
a (determiner)
star (noun)
And (conjunction)
wake (verb)
up (particle)
where (locative universal quantifier)
the (determiner)
clouds (noun)
are (verb)
far (adjective)
behind (preposition)
me (pronoun)
where (locative universal quantifier)
troubles (noun)
melt (verb)
like (preposition)
lemon (adjective)
drops (noun)
Away (adverb)
above (preposition)
the (determiner)
chimney (adjective)
tops (noun)
That (demonstrative pronoun)
is (verb)
where (locative universal quantifier)
you (pronoun)
will (future auxiliary)
find (verb)
me. (accusative pronoun)

return to teacher

Examples are not Christmas. Still, to need one makes a heavy load of trying. Here, normal is acceptable:

Footage of Albright’s answer to journalist’s question: “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price, we think the price is worth it.”

The first detour is “I”. Little “I”, but a pronoun; big “I” but a subject. Person, place, thing; doing, being, mistakenly together, and mistakenly apart. And think, grammar, think. I think that, by the way with word verbs and pronouns, sticklers in what we wish for, for what we really want. Next, what follows a determiner, amusing in what follows, but only sometimes, and never more awkward than that. Very hard objects, with adjectives and adverbs in the jetty. Very adverbs; hard adjectives. As a bonus, a conjunction, following up on two coincidences.

But there’s a price: a subject, a determiner, a noun, a modifying feather boa. More thinking; and a call for more hubbub. Inevitably, someone arrives with finance, always more finance. Dark shadows spread across the appositive clause. A present tense verb is strung along the subject by murky briefs. The pleasures of the price, are they worth it? Worth is an object supposing a third person singular pronoun subject. The portrait of a far away thinking cascades into sensible lines, wayward shapes, forms, and, of course, buttons.

So very much the answer. Now, the question:

A journalist posing question to Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: “We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?”

Venture the answer, children of the word. For let that be a lesson for you.