A series of unworkable speculations — guesswork, really — on why people believe what they believe, with the aim of promoting improved children, better gorillas, and honest legislation.
YEAR: 2012
RUNTIME: 29:00
VOICES: Michelle Mallen, Craig Walker, Ann Hardcastle, Frances Leeming, Herissa Chan, Antoine Mercier
MUSIC: Anne Bourne, Anton Webern, anonymous piano pieces
INTERVIEW: Rosebell Kagume
… yes, I see why it sounds strange, because I admit even to myself, I had to study and think a great
deal, and all my life I was puzzled by certain things, and now I see why.
(on screen)
The Earth … is modest and unassuming.
The Earth … is arrogant and vain.
The Earth … has an unconscious mind.
The Earth … does not have an unconscious mind.
The Earth … never forgets.
The Earth … cannot remember.
The Earth … retains everything.
The Earth … lets everything go.
the Earth … is aware of you.
The Earth … is oblivious to you.
The Earth is superstitious.
The Earth is rational.
The Earth loves children.
The Earth hates children.
The Earth welcomes tourism.
The Earth abhors tourism.
The Earth always affirms.
The Earth always negates.
The Earth is eager.
The Earth is listless.
The Earth is smart.
The Earth is stupid.
The Earth is sensitive and caring.
The Earth is brutish and heartless.
The Earth is in a perpetual dream state.
(And the dreams that the Earth dreams always come true. )
(voice and on-screen)
1. The dreams that you dare to dream will come true.
2. The dreams that you dare not dream will come true.
3. The dreams that you don’t dare not dream will come true.
4. The dreams that you dare to dream will not come true.
5. The dreams that you dare not dream will not come true.
6. The dreams that you don’t dare not dream will not come true.
7. The dreams that come true that you don’t dare not dream will come true.
8. The dreams that come true that you don’t dare not dream will not come true.
9. The dreams that don’t come true that you don’t dare not dream will come true.
10. The dreams that don’t come true that you don’t dare not dream will not come true.
11. The daring dreams that don’t come true that you don’t dare not dream will come true.
12. The daring dreams that don’t come true that you don’t dare not dream will not come true.
13. The daring dreams that don’t come daringly true that you don’t dare not dream will not come
14. The daring dreams that don’t come daringly true that you don’t dare not dream will not come
daringly true.
15. The truly daring dreams that don’t come daringly true that you don’t dare not dream will not
come daringly true.
16. The truly daring dreams that don’t truly come daringly true that you don’t dare not dream will
not come daringly true.
17. The truly daring dreams that don’t truly come daringly true that you don’t dare not daringly
dream will not come daringly true.
18. The truly daring dreams that don’t truly come daringly true that you don’t dare not daringly
dream will truly not come daringly true.
The winds of God are always blowing, but you must set the sails.
And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.
The winds of God are always blowing, but you must set the sails
The dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.
The winds of God are always blowing, but you must set
the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.
The winds of God are always blowing, but you must set
the dreams that you dare to dream do come true.
The winds of God are blowing, but you must set
the dreams that you dare to dream do come true.
The winds of God are blowing, but you set
the dreams that you dare to dream do come true.
The winds of God are blowing, but you set
the dreams that dare to dream do come true.
The winds of God are blowing, but you set
the dreams that dare to dream do come.
Winds of God are blowing, but you set
the dreams that dare to dream do come.
Winds of God are blowing, but you set
the dreams that dare to dream come.
Winds of God are blowing, but you set
the dreams that dare to dream.
Winds of God are blowing, but you set
the dreams that dare to.
Winds of God are blowing, but you set
the dreams that dare.
Winds of God are blowing, but you set
dreams that dare.
Winds are blowing, but you set
dreams that dare.
Winds are blowing, but set
dreams that dare.
Winds are blowing, set
dreams that dare.
Winds are, set
dreams that dare.
Winds are,
dreams that dare.
Winds are
that dare.
that dare.
Ants are fairies enjoying their last incarnation.
Ants are the souls of ancient Druids who refused to accept the Gospel.
If you dream of ants, someone close to you will die.
It’s bad to destroy an ant nest because ants are the souls of children who die unbaptized.
It isn’t bad to destroy an ant nest because ants are the souls of children who die unbaptized.
It isn’t bad to not destroy an ant nest because ants are the souls of children who die unbaptized.
It’s bad to destroy an ant nest because ants aren’t the souls of children who die unbaptized.
It’s bad to destroy an ant nest because ants are the souls of children who don’t die unbaptized.
It’s bad to destroy an ant nest because ants are the souls of children who die baptized.
It isn’t bad to destroy an ant nest because ants aren’t the souls of children who die baptized.
It isn’t bad to destroy an ant nest because ants aren’t the souls of children who don’t die baptized.
It isn’t bad to destroy an ant nest because ants aren’t the souls of children who don’t die unbaptized.
It isn’t bad to not destroy an ant nest because ants aren’t the souls of children who don’t die
The safest place to be is within the will of god.
That’s where you’ll find me.
The will of god is the safest place to be within.
That’s where you’ll find me.
The safest will of god is the place to be within.
That’s where you’ll find me.
The safest within of god is the place to be will.
That’s where you’ll find me.
The safest god within is the place to be of will.
That’s where you’ll find me.
The place within the safest god is to be of will.
That’s where you’ll find me.
The god place of the will within is to be safest.
That’s where you’ll find me.
The god place of the will within is to be safest.
That’s where you’ll find me.
The god place of the will within is to be safest within.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Within the god place of the will within is to be safest within.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Within the safest god place of the will within is to be safest within.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Within the safest god place of the safest will within is to be safest within.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Within the safest god place of the safest will within is to be safest within god.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Within the safest god place of the safest god will within is to be safest within god.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Within the safest god place of the safest god will within is to be safest within the god.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Within the safest god place of the safest god will within is to be safest within the god within.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Within the safest god place of the safest god will within is to be safest within the god within god.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Within the safest god place of the safest god will within is to be safest within the god within the
safest god.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Will within the safest god place of the safest god will within is to be safest within the god within the
safest god.
That’s where you’ll find me.
Will within the safest god place of the safest god will within is to be the safest will within the god
within the safest god.
That’s where you’ll find me.
(voice and on-screen)
Gorillas divide human beings into 3 things:
1. that culture exists to protect people from the violence of culture.
2. that agriculture emerged a mere 10,000 years ago
3. and that they believe in the innate tendency for aggression, because they can detect it in themselves and therefore justly assume it to be present in others
They know how difficult it is to produce satire.
Because they’re not smart enough to talk, they think that words have no boundaries.
Instead, they are writing the definitive history of luxury and extravagance.
They struggle to win over those who think that their accomplishments as a species are, at best,
They know that in order to stay relevant, they must become violent, anti-social, and sexually
If they were better gorillas, they would know how to transform misfortune into pleasure.
If they were better gorillas, they would see the benefits of pagan spirituality.
(voice and on-screen)
If they were better gorillas, they would find a way to say exactly what they mean.
If they were better gorillas, they would see the cultural benefits of pagan spirituality.
If they were better gorillas, they would know that assigning things to their proper categories isn’t
always essential to making sense of the world.
If they were better gorillas, they would see that misery should always be the most basic expectation.
If they were better gorillas, they would stop turning their backs on the sublime.
If they were better gorillas, they would know that the mind does all its thinking in pictures.
If they were better gorillas, they would believe in the re-enchantment of the world.
If they were better gorillas, they would place coins over the eyes of their dead.
If they were better gorillas, they would know whether the gods choose what is good because it is
good, or if the good is good because the gods choose it.
4. Goodness – God / Metal Shop
That is a taboo, an abomination, an evil, in the sight of God.
(voice, and on-screen)
Do the gods choose what is good because it is good,
or is the good good because the gods choose it?
Do the gods choose what is not good because it is good, or is the good good because the gods
choose it?
Do the gods choose what is good because it is not good, or is the good good because the gods
choose it?
Do the gods choose what is good because it is good, or is the not good good because the gods
choose it?
Do the gods choose what is good because it is good, or is the good not good because the gods
choose it?
Do the gods choose what is not good because it is not good, or is the good good because the gods
choose it?
Do the gods choose what is not good because it is not good, or is the not good good because the
gods choose it?
Do the gods choose what is not good because it is not good, or is the not good not good because
the gods choose it?
Do the gods not choose what is good because it is good, or is the good good because the gods
choose it?
Do the gods not choose what is not good because it is good, or is the good good because the gods
choose it?
Do the gods not choose what is not good because it is not good, or is the good good because the
gods choose it?
Do the gods not choose what is not good because it is not good, or is the not good good because
the gods choose it?
Do the gods not choose what is not good because it is not good, or is the not good not good
because the gods choose it?
Do the gods not choose what is not good because it is not good, or is the not good not good
because the gods don’t choose it?
Do the gods not choose what is not not good because it is not good, or is the not good not good
because the gods don’t choose it?
Do the gods not choose what is not not good because it is not not good, or is the not good not good
because the gods don’t choose it?
Do the gods not choose what is not not good because it is not not good, or is the not not good not
good because the gods don’t choose it?
Do the gods not choose what is not not good because it is not not good, or is the not not good not
not good because the gods don’t choose it?
That’s more children than
Why then oh why can’t I?
That’s more children than
Why them oh why can’t children?
That’s more children than
Why then oh why can’t more children?
That’s more children than
That’s why then oh why can’t more children?
That’s more children than
That’s why more then oh why can’t more children?
That’s more children than
That’s why more than then oh why can’t more children?
That’s more children than
That’s why more than then that oh then why can’t more children?
That’s more children than
That’s why more than then that oh then why can’t more children than?
That’s more children than
That’s why more than then that oh then why can’t more children than that?
That’s more children than
That’s why more than then that oh then why can’t more children than that?
That’s more children than
Then that’s why more than then that oh then why can’t then more children than that?
That’s more children than
Then children that’s why more than then that oh then why can’t then more children than that?
That’s more children than
Then children that’s why children more than then that oh then why can’t then more children than
That’s more children than
Then children that’s why children more than then that oh then why can’t then more children than
Never forget
that your
is but a
to imitate
no expense
to obtain
adequate insurance
to protect
your loved ones
from the
vicissitudes of life.
Lower your triglycerides,
of course,
but don’t
eat your seed corn.
Don’t get too
down on yourself
for being
continually disabled
fear & indecision.
project unassailable
avoid non sequiturs;
occasionally confront
your friends
incommensurable truths.
Memorize long poems
(to avoid Alzheimer’s disease)
You are
not a
social construction;
you are tied
to your fate,
which is predetermined.
all shallow & empty
those which
have received
stamp of approval.
Set clever traps
designed to expose
the flawed character
of life-hating civics
who just don’t seem
to give
a rat’s ass
about beauty,
human goodness,
just punishment,
just retribution,
and so on.
In the case of danger,
dispense generous gifts
to your allies
without delay.
Other forms of action
are not prudent,
and will only serve
to hasten
your downfall.
Buy sapphires,
by all means,
but not those
which your mined,
only those which
are created
in laboratories.
Try to keep
your sad passions
down to
a boney minimum.
(two alternating voices.)
How can we hope to get rid of god, so long as we insist on believing in grammar, if happy little
bluebirds fly?
How can little bluebirds fly if we hope to get rid of god, so long as we insist on believing in happy
How can little bluebirds fly if we hope to get rid of god, so long as we insist on believing in happy
little grammar?
How can grammar fly if we hope to get rid of happy god, so long as we insist on believing in little
How can god hope if we fly happy to get rid of grammar, so long as we insist on believing in little
How little can god hope if we fly happy to get rid of grammar, so long as we insist on believing in
How little can god believe in bluebirds if we fly happy to get rid of grammar, so long as we insist on
How little can god insist in bluebirds if we fly happy to get rid of grammar, so long as we believe in
How little can god insist in bluebirds if we fly to get rid of grammar, so long as we believe in happy
How little can happy hope insist in bluebirds if we fly to get rid of grammar, so long as we believe in
How can happy hope insist in bluebirds if we fly to get rid of grammar, so long as we believe little in
How can we get rid of happy hope in bluebirds if we fly to insist on grammar, so long as we believe
little in god?
How can we believe we can get rid of happy hope in bluebirds if we fly to insist on grammar, so long
as we believe little in god?
How can we believe we can get rid of happy hope in god and bluebirds if we fly to insist on
grammar, so long as we believe little in god?
How can we believe we can get rid of happy hope in god and bluebirds if we fly to insist on
grammar, so long as we believe little in grammar?
How can we believe we can get rid of happy hope in god and bluebirds if we fly to insist on
bluebirds and grammar, so long as we believe little in grammar and god?
How can we and god insist on believing we can get rid of happy hope in …..
1. In 2009, several American evangelicals visited Uganda, preaching the godlessness of
homosexuality, and detailing the grave threats it posed to Bible-based values and the
traditional African family.
2. Among these men was well-known American anti-gay activist, Scott Lively, co-author of the
book “The Gay Swastika;”
3. …and Rick Warren, pro-family activist with a long history of missionary work in Uganda, and
whose visibility and importance had been recently augmented when chosen to deliver the
invocation speech for President Obama’s inauguration ceremonies.
4. In October 2009, the most draconian anti-gay legislation on the planet was introduced in the
Ugandan parliament, which included the death penalty for those found guilty of “aggravated
5. In October 2010 an irregularly published tabloid “The Rolling Stone” published what became
a notorious issue identifying gay citizens, providing photos and their home addresses, with
the headline “Hang Them.”
6. David Kato a prominent gay activist, was one of those identified.
7. In January 2010, he was murdered in his home in Kampala.
8. The Ugandan government denied that the murder was a hate crime.
9. This version of events which met with wide spread skepticism.
10. Throughout this period, Western media outlets gave these interweaving storylines
surprisingly extensive coverage, capped by a 1-hour documentary by the BBC called “The
World’s Worst Place to be Gay?”
FOOTAGE: Martin Sempa, Pastor, prominent anti-gay crusader; Makerere Community Church
INTERVIEW: Rosebell Kagume, Ugandan journalist
1. Just because we have made our own history doesn’t mean we’re capable of understanding
2. Just because we haven’t made our own history doesn’t mean we’re capable of
understanding it.
3. Just because we have made our own history doesn’t mean we’re not capable of
understanding it.
4. Just because we have made our own history doesn’t mean we’re not incapable of
understanding it.
5. Just because we have made our own history doesn’t mean we’re capable of
misunderstanding it.
6. Just because we haven’t made our own history doesn’t mean we’re capable of
misunderstanding it.
7. Just because we haven’t made our own history doesn’t mean we’re not capable of
misunderstanding it.
8. Just because we haven’t made our own history doesn’t mean we’re not incapable of
misunderstanding it.
9. Just because we haven’t made our own history doesn’t mean we’re not incapable of not
misunderstanding it.