Some artworks are designed to make a complicated world more intelligible. Others are designed to make it more strange.   (“It is the task of radical thought, since the world is given to us in unintelligibility, to make it more unintelligible, more enigmatic, more fabulous.” - Baudrillard.)

There is no account of anything that cannot be replaced by a different account.

YEAR: 2023   RUNTIME: 30:00

Performer: Aidar Mussabekov (#3)

Voices: Sharday Mosurinjohn (#1), Gary Kibbins (#2, #4)

Music: Jan Le Clair, Accordion (#1), Neven Lochhead, ambient (#1, #2), John Burge, piano (#2), Antoine Mercier, guitar (#3), Pawel Markowicz, solo piano, Philip Glass, Symphony 8 (#4), Jessika Keeney & Eyvind Kang, Kidung, (#5, #6)

Horizontal Scrolling Text: Heraclitus

Production Assistance: Aidar Mussabekov

Postproduction Assistance: Ryan Randall

Sound Recording: Matt Rogalsky

Sound Edit: Neven Lochhead

Cinematography, Writing, Editing: Gary Kibbins


1. things in jars

The joints of the shoulder, the knees and hips suggest a bright future for the species, while a short broad pelvis provides skillful support for the abdominal organs. 
Impermanence is a value of breeding, and gives shape to our anatomy, and our beliefs. 
We listen attentively to the sounds of lost ancestors that enter through the ear, and the sights of sexual maturity that enter through the eye. 
Ambiguity is classified as a subspecies of survival, like the elephant’s trunk or the bird’s wing; and has evolved as the grammar of self-organizing chemistry. 
Grammar largely avoids biology, but horns are sometimes developed to help resolve disagreements between vertebrate males. 
For millions of years plants and various knowledge systems were aquatic, and there was a notable accumulation of very small adaptations buried deep in the very foundations of rock, the result of the same forces responsible for the chromosomal resemblances between ants, crabs and horses. 
We are spellbound by skin and bone, and the phylogenetic proficiencies displayed in the development of multicellular organisms in jars. 
Scorpions and venomous snakes are combined and linked in asymmetrical growth through the breath with the passing seasons. 
Classifying viruses and lines of descent provides insight into the veiled order of nature, and are often designed to allay tensions within the group. 
Some body parts grow continuously; others don’t, like those of a cheetah’s paw or a bird’s beak. 
Permanent features of sexual attraction often include the fatty masses of the buttocks. 
Like the minuscular species that often go about their business unnoticed, occult features materialize randomly, while some individuals prosper by growing sharp teeth inside a formidable jaw.
Snouts, for example, primarily used to dig in the earth for roots and tubers, multiply rapidly in these indeterminate spaces, which matured unevenly roughly 20-25m years ago.  They are superbly adaptable, as are all instances of breathing and grasping, as the myoglobin of the muscles closely resembles the hemoglobin in the blood. 

Moreover, mathematical models as well as assorted zoomorphs confirm that evolutionary transformations during the cretaceous period effected isolated groups as well as current species involving more oblique forms of development, as can be inferred through an examination of reptilian eggs.  
The pace of change can vary as a result of the rate of mutations. Bee hives were steadily modernized as ingenious bees figured out new ways to deploy pollen and wax. 
Although some will see a stark imbalance between predator and prey, the young of all species will often violently protect their advantages. benefits. 
Ungulates and several phylogenetically diverse subspecies often benefit from long periods of neglect. 
Brains that have been given the additional task of regulating body temperature tend to be larger, and knuckles can be specialized for running or for walking. 
Proof of tinkering can be found everywhere. 

Things in jars keep their secrets.

2. The brain is exactly the same as a kitchen: A Proof

The brain is not the only object with opinions and parts. Kitchens – particularly small and slightly cramped kitchens – set up the rhythms, the sounds, the hyphens and dashes of words and knives linked to the grammar of the global.  
The body is a pantry; this is how the mind wanders on tiny topological shelves and beyond, often in cluttered food stores, edging toward the horizon. 
We seek an analogue to the brain and an analogue to the kitchen, and we find them both beside and within each other. This is not a metaphor; brains and small kitchens are not simply similar. They are precisely the same thing.  
Not city streets, which are strenuous, but flat; not public parks, which, although, modular, are never far from certainty; and not scree slopes, which, while pleasing to the eye, lack the flesh of judgment, and belief. 
When you arrive back home with a basket of language and food, the cauliflower, the crackers, the Dorset Vinney cheese – and all the soups and sauces that will arise from their infinite chains of being – who will be there to witness your achievements?

In the self-centred kitchen, as in the dark alcoves of the cerebellum, the world is a container of leftovers. Whether dry, or moist like a sponge, the brain-kitchen identity has the cookery and the will to survive the specialized knowledge of worlds, and catastrophes. 
Beyond the kitchen lies an opening. You take your children to a haunted park. Other children are there. What’s the point of submitting to empty space? What’s the good of elaborate food preparation, if there is no symmetry?
I can think a thousand thoughts, but I am only ever preparing to eat.  

3. Helen of Troy

On screen:
I have inquired of myself. – Heraclitus. 
Beauty: 59 clarifications. 

  1. Beauty is a source of great evil.
  2. Beauty is the manifestation of the divine on earth.
  3. Beauty and malice are one.
  4. Beauty is the sublimation of sexual desire.
  5. Beauty is a subcategory of the abnormal. 
  6. We may occasionally feel a desire to destroy the world.
  7. The antithesis of beauty is tedium, not ugliness. 
  8. Beauty gives images the status that bodies should have.
  9. Beauty devours goodness and truth.
  10. All forms of beauty are religious in nature.
  11. Beauty, master of the days and the seasons, oversees all things.
  12. You may feel that you have lost some infinite thing.
  13. Beauty is everything it cannot become.
  14. Beauty is lack, not plenitude. 
  15. We can’t understand the relation between the beautiful object and the mind of the perceiver. 
  16. The brain is not a single thing.
  17. There is only one beauty, and we don’t believe in it.
  18. Experience is not knowledge.
  19. Beauty is infantile and regressive.
  20. All beauty can be traced to a chemical signature in the brain. 
  21. To appreciate beauty, you must embrace self-doubt.
  22. Beauty diminishes life’s mysteries.
  23. The ruling class uses beauty to subjugate and control the masses.
  24. No special knowledge is required for judgment. 
  25. The recognition of beauty is what unites humans and animals.
  26. Beauty was invented to help us cope with boredom.
  27. If you follow the traces of beauty to the very end, you will inevitably confront sexual drives.
  28. Beauty detaches from the beautiful object. 
  29. Every beautiful thing we see just hides another thing.
  30. To experience beauty is to experience failure. 
  31. We need a new vocabulary.
  32. Beauty does not exist in the unconscious. 
  33. Newborn babies are ugly.
  34. Beauty negates all those fine abstractions foisted on the world. 
  35. Images are more beautiful than words. 
  36. Beauty exists to teach us a lesson.
  37. Beauty attaches more easily to the sad emotions than the happy ones.
  38. Beauty plunders ugliness for its resources. 
  39. Beauty is a fragment that might, if pieced together with other fragments, form a sublime unity, but instead it is just a fragment that remains cut off from a wholeness that never arrives. 
  40. Beauty is everything because it means nothing.
  41. Beauty is a parody of humanity.  
  42. We wouldn’t need to invent beauty myths if reality would only be a bit more accommodating. 
  43. We can only know beauty through what it isn’t.
  44. Too much beauty will make you stupid.
  45. Beauty is the will of God acting through us. 
  46. Beauty increases life’s mysteries.
  47. We owe beauty nothing.
  48. “I never dreamed that mere physical experience could be so stimulating!”
  49. The function of ritualized beauty is to preserve the continuity of lived experience.
  50. Negative beauty and positive beauty cancel each other out.
  51. Beauty serves to remind us of the hell that we live in.
  52. Beauty is built on the ruins of loss and redemption. 
  53. Sunrises and sunsets have lost their capacity to be beautiful. 
  54. Fear gives value to beauty.
  55. Beauty is nothing more than a placeholder for pain and suffering.
  56. Beauty is rule governed. Ugliness isn’t.
  57. With beauty, you know that humour is never far away. 
  58. Is it the image we respond to, or the concept of an image?
  59. Things aren’t as pretty on the inside. 

4. Worldless

They revel in dirt. – Heraclitus

Rocks were unloved in my household. This sentiment originated with my grandfather. He found them to be hard, dense, and indirect. Too primeval, too guarded; rocks are just what is there, he said. We later learned that he came to condemn them through the agency of a rock-fearing acquaintance with an ancient grievance. The other family members, troubled by the peculiarity of grandfather’s feelings, comforted themselves with the belief that it was not an authentic feeling, but merely a borrowed one. I saw my role differently. My emotional relationship with rocks was still shapeless.
My grandfather was old and broken. Rocks are too, but differently. Ordinarily, grandfather took shelter against deceit and falsehood in his solitary certainties.  But we soon learned that he had no certainties. Language and disregard were reinvented. All I knew was that somewhere there were rocks that I worshiped. Some of them I loved. Finding them, though, would be hard. Some had no beginning and no end. Others could fit through the eye of a needle. Goethe wrote that rocks brought exaltation and assurance to his soul. This caused me to wonder how my soul perceives rocks. We communicate by means of sound, mostly. The resonance is determined by the type of rock that it is.  As I thought of myself as an individual, my soul had only one tone, one note. This simplified things. Communication was mainly one-way. I was more interested in rocks than they were in me, and I accepted liking them without being liked in turn.
Each time I grasp a rock, it seems to change shape. Their libidinal investments are with the Earth. That’s OK; I value their indifference. It’s not personal. I‘m not looking for hidden meanings. That’s how I earned their trust. Rocks have a religious memory, the sources of which cannot be known. To experience rocks is to experience approval. 

Getting there is safe, if you know the way.
As you approach the lower steppes, you will encounter a void on your left. This is where most pilgrims become lost. Voids often go unnoticed. They aren’t large or small. Unlike rocks, they don’t have a size. 
Stay to the right, and avoid  the guesthouse at the edge of the clearing. In this area, travel only by night. You will eventually emerge onto the upper plains, where the volatility of the living separates from the environment in unexpected ways. The elements and isotopes are distinctive, and obey different rules.
Once you pass the numerous, small, salt-filled craters, you will find yourself in the zone where RNA sequences in rocks were first discovered.
The disturbances here are more intense in the early morning. The terrible crashings and rumblings often continue until noon.  bang

The alternating sedimentary layers show up here as chemical differences. These so-called RNA rocks are enlivened by radon and other radioactive elements, and are highly prized for their therapeutic qualities, particularly when found in thermal waters above 4000 meters. Rheumatism, lumbago, gout, dropsy, beriberi, various skin diseases, digestive disorders, and several incurable syndromes have all been successfully treated here.
The source of all RNA rocks is thought to lie somewhere in the region’s gullies and cliffs, and some steadfastly continue the search. Although the more they imagine themselves able to discover it, the more they sink into the servitude of the cave. 
How the rocks reproduce remains unclear. To some, it’s just a good thing carried too far. To experience rocks is to experience reversal, scarcity and repentance redemption.

Further to the East, where the lines of descent are less certain, it has been confirmed that there are no Cretaceous sediments, which, by current understanding, means that we are much more likely to detect the presence of geneticized rocks. There, they have the appearance of an unfolding. The equator is now on the horizon, and the endless expanse of time seems more real than the present. To experience rocks is to experience imperfect speech.
But then, what about us? Emerging from an antediluvian world, each time we grasp a rock, it seems to change shape. And its fingerprint changes. It’s not a trifling amount of rock that the region parts with, but almost as much as it receives from the evaporites, the shales, the carbonites, and the plutonic intrusions. As these rocks have shown, anything can stand for anything else. Everything we see just hides another thing. [Humanity is a parody of rocks.]
This is particularly true of the famous ‘self-articulating’ rocks of the Eastern Fortresses, where the building stones bare the unmistakable traces of heritability and reproduction.
It is as if an abyss has opened up, and the rocks sit beside themselves. So what happens when two bottomless forces encounter one another? We might think that we know this story all too well. Any nervous system is thought to share similar features. They are part of the well-defined patterns of connections and jealousies that collaborate so seamlessly with the rhythms of rocks and stones. Once the outer gaze exposes the inner thing, the rock/human entanglements can be openly tested and assessed.
Along the way, we now see that it’s unavoidable, as some will be forever separated from their foundations.   

5. Ruins

It disperses and gathers, it comes and goes. – Heraclitus

Scrolling text:

  • The god whose oracle is at Delphi neither speaks plainly nor conceals, but indicates by signs.
  • Because of disbelief, it escapes being known.
  • Some blundering with what I set before you, try in vain with empty talk to separate the essences of things and say how each thing truly is.
  • Human opinions are the toys of children.
  • The way upward and downward: one and the same. 
  • What was scattered gathers. What was gathered blows apart.
  • Therefore, good and ill are one.

6. Heraclitus of Ephesus

Heraclitus the Obscure
we are all obscure

scrolling text:

  • when the fire has come upon all things, it will judge them and seize hold of them.
  • We step and do not step into the same rivers, we are, and we are not.
  • Turning of fire: first sea, that half of the sea, earth; and the other half, lightening storm… It spreads out as sea, and its measure reaches the same account as it was before it became earth. 
  • Changing, it remains at rest.